Windsor Castle & Sally Lunn’s house!

london trip!

Spring break is over! ๐Ÿ˜ฆ
My London trip was a success! Spent my birthday over there and everything! I enjoyed visiting the UK because of it’s beautiful history. We visited one of the oldest houses in Bath, England, the Sally Lunn’s house! It is the home of the original Bath bun. Stepping inside Sally Lunn’s house was a bit crazy to me because imagine, hundred of years ago Sally Lunn a refugee who created the Bath bun lived there! It was nice to get an idea of how the houses hundred of years ago looked like. It was very, VERY small and it was nothing compared to how the houses look nowadays. Not only did we visit Sally Lunn’s house but we visited, oh you know, MY castle, Windsor Castle. Windsor Castle was SOOOOO BIG. Most of our walking had to be outside, and there was queen’s guards posted outside, you know those guards in a red coat with the the long black hat, that don’t talk and just stand there? yeah, those! They were on duty! Protecting MY castle (;
Imagine years and years ago that castle was used and everything?
Bad thing was we didn’t get a lot of time in the castle, and plus it was SUPER cold. I didn’t want to get out of the building and face the cold weather outside.
If any of you guys are to travel, you guys have to visit the UK (:
It’s a pretty interesting place to visit!
Oh and highlight of my tripppppp, I sawwwww theeeeee queeeeeen of Englaaaaand! ACTUALLY, she met ME on MY birthday, pssssssh lol lucky her!

4 thoughts on “Windsor Castle & Sally Lunn’s house!

  1. I also want to visit the UK. It seems like a beautiful place to go and hang out with friends and family. Hopefully i will go some day. I agree when you say that Windsor Castle was so big. I have seen pictures of the castle and it is beautiful place to go and visit. I just wished you could of put pictures of UK if you had any. The post was fun to read and i can not believe that you saw the queen of England. And that you got to spend your birthday in England. It sucks that you did not have a lot of time to spend at the castle, but you got to see it and that is awesome. Some advice is to keep up the good work, and i will come to see other post in the future. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I can make the connection that I think London, actually the UK overall is amazing too, although I’ve never been there. Wow, if I were you, I’d be extremely happy to have gotten the opportunity to go. I think it’s great that you met the queen. xD When you said, “Windsor Castle was SOOOOO BIG. Most of our walking had to be outside, and there was queenโ€™s guards posted outside…” you made me want to see pictures you took of it, so you should definitely post some! Other than that, perhaps you should just describe a little more of the things you did not only the places you visited.The language you used made it funny to read the post, like when you said it was your castle and that the queen had the chance to meet you. I enjoyed this as a form of entertainment because it kept me entertained and described one of the places I really want to visit before I die, preferably soon. My favorite band is from the UK, so I MUST go. :O Nice work.

  3. I can make the connection of London or the UK must be an awesome place to visit, even though i have never been there but some wrestlers are somewhere from there. If there was a chance i would go and visit. Personally i would like to go visit over there and go sight seeing in looking at famous buildings and view what London has to show. The text is a good one, describing the way the author spent it is interesting making me want to go there one day:D but love the idea of going there. Nice work on the blog and pictures.

  4. A connection I can make with this blog is that I would LOVE to go to London some day just from seeing movies and shows that take place in London like Skins (<3). I know they have a lot of cool underground clothing shops in the area and I would love to visit those. I learned from this blog post because I never knew how big Windsor Castle really is even though I've seen pictures of it. I would definitely read more blog posts like this. Keep up the good work. ๐Ÿ™‚

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