Okay! So “Mind the Gap” is a warning to passengers to be careful when crossing the gap between the train door and station platform. It is a very famous line I would say so.. and once you hear “Mind The Gap!” know that it is from the London underground!
Okay so I’m guessing you guys can tell I’m a bit obssesseddd with London…. (:
It is myy dreaaaam place! I’m sure we all have a dream place we’d like to live in or visit! My other dream placeeeee is Californiaaaa (:
I wish we can just wake up one day and just take a road trip wherever we wanted to…. without having to worry about anything and just go..drive and drive awaaay! Like to Californiaaa (:
That’s besides the point though! London is (the millionth time I say this) but a great place to visit, and it is not the only place! There’s plenty of other places, in the U.S as well, and outside like Paris! Bottommmm linee is that we should all before we get too old go vissssiitt our dream placeeee (:


So on this blog post, I want to focus on traveling and getting there and coming back!
Okay, so the plane ride to London was my first time getting on a plane. It was scary at first, I felt nervous but glad that I was able to switch seats with some kids on the trip as well to sit next to my best friends Now that was fun… the plane ride was quiet for a while and me and my friends couldn’t sleep, so we kept making jokes, and laughing and laughing. I think we were annoying:/
I BARELY got any sleep. I was uncomfortable. I would take little naps here and there but I REALLY wanted to take a cat nap. I was so jealous of my friend who got the most sleep. Okay, so getting there was pretty decent, we were all so tired and we just wanted to sleep but NOPE we couldn’t. We had to wait in line in security, wait for the bus to pick us up and our day got started right away walking around London. It was one LONG. day One thing I noticed is that SOME people from over there can be very rude.. I’m not saying all of them, I’m just saying some of them mmmmm! Now, the way back….. it says to put your liquids in a plastic bag…helll nah I was TOO lazy so I didn’t do it and guess what? Security opened my book bag… took out everything, it was annoying. They threw away my moiturizer uhuh man…. but I didn’t care I just wanted to leaaaaavee that area. Lesson learned. Don’t be lazy…  three of us from the trip had to learn the hard way 😦
The plane ride back was way better than getting there. There was no delays….. there was no freaking baby crying the whole plane ride and we got here an hour earlier than expected. Oh! & I sat next to Ms.Miski if any of ya’lllllll know her lol ask her how her plane ride back to chicaaago was haha (: she’ll probably say it was the besst and an honor to sit next to me LOL I seriously miss it over there… I had somethig to do every day, I had productive days, and I was learning about their history without having to be in school -____-

Windsor Castle & Sally Lunn’s house!

london trip!

Spring break is over! 😦
My London trip was a success! Spent my birthday over there and everything! I enjoyed visiting the UK because of it’s beautiful history. We visited one of the oldest houses in Bath, England, the Sally Lunn’s house! It is the home of the original Bath bun. Stepping inside Sally Lunn’s house was a bit crazy to me because imagine, hundred of years ago Sally Lunn a refugee who created the Bath bun lived there! It was nice to get an idea of how the houses hundred of years ago looked like. It was very, VERY small and it was nothing compared to how the houses look nowadays. Not only did we visit Sally Lunn’s house but we visited, oh you know, MY castle, Windsor Castle. Windsor Castle was SOOOOO BIG. Most of our walking had to be outside, and there was queen’s guards posted outside, you know those guards in a red coat with the the long black hat, that don’t talk and just stand there? yeah, those! They were on duty! Protecting MY castle (;
Imagine years and years ago that castle was used and everything?
Bad thing was we didn’t get a lot of time in the castle, and plus it was SUPER cold. I didn’t want to get out of the building and face the cold weather outside.
If any of you guys are to travel, you guys have to visit the UK (:
It’s a pretty interesting place to visit!
Oh and highlight of my tripppppp, I sawwwww theeeeee queeeeeen of Englaaaaand! ACTUALLY, she met ME on MY birthday, pssssssh lol lucky her!

What do we all girls love? Well, the MAJORITY of us.

Well, guess what? Oxford Street in London has many of our favorite stores such as Forever 21, H&M, Top Shop (I don’t shop there but they have C U T E clothes, and it is too expensive for me:/ ), Gap, and etc. Oxford street is an exciting place to shop. It is so pretty  and filled with people talking in french, to other languages I did not understand. I love to shop, so with a bunch of those stores I know I can have a fun experience. Oh! and Victoria Secret has opened their first UK store, that’s another place to add to your Places To Go list, except for guys…unless they want to see pretty girls, then they could pass by there (;

Another tourist attraction is Camden Lock Market! Camden Lock Market is a market filled with retail stores, restaurants, and etc. That market is a MUST go. If you want to buy souvenirs, shoes, or cute shirts you can go there! I honestly wish I can go back to that market and taken advantage of every deal in there! They have some pretty good deals. For instance, some cute tank tops were 3 for 15 pounds, and at other stores in Kensington, London were 10 pounds each! That makes a huge difference. You can also work out deals  with the owners of the stores, pretend you are not satisfied with the deals, and walk away. They cannot stand to see a customer walk away, so they will change their deal just for you. That’s what happened to my friend and I (:
Oh! My other two friends said they were engaged so they got a cheap deal on some stuff they bought.
Well, there is more places to shop and look around, but these two are the main ones I really liked (:

 Photograph: Chad Ehlers/Chad Ehlers

Photograph: Chad Ehlers/Chad Ehlers