Okay! So “Mind the Gap” is a warning to passengers to be careful when crossing the gap between the train door and station platform. It is a very famous line I would say so.. and once you hear “Mind The Gap!” know that it is from the London underground!
Okay so I’m guessing you guys can tell I’m a bit obssesseddd with London…. (:
It is myy dreaaaam place! I’m sure we all have a dream place we’d like to live in or visit! My other dream placeeeee is Californiaaaa (:
I wish we can just wake up one day and just take a road trip wherever we wanted to…. without having to worry about anything and just go..drive and drive awaaay! Like to Californiaaa (:
That’s besides the point though! London is (the millionth time I say this) but a great place to visit, and it is not the only place! There’s plenty of other places, in the U.S as well, and outside like Paris! Bottommmm linee is that we should all before we get too old go vissssiitt our dream placeeee (:

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